24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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[交流] 美国colorado school of mines, robotics lab 招收2名全奖博士, 1名博后

full scholarships-graduate research assistants and postdocs openings in colorado school of mines for 2019, 2020
dr. zhang is looking for motivated ph.d. students with strong machine learning, artificial intelligence or control background to work on research areas of teleoperation, additive manufacturing, human-robot cooperation, underground tunneling, aerial/underwater sensing and manipulation. if you're interested, please send me your transcripts and cv.
if you are interested in these areas, please send dr.zhang an email at xlzhang@mines.edu with your cv, statement of goals, transcripts, publication list, and other closely related credentials.  

the scholarship covers stipends, tuitions, and all fees.

dr. zhang’s research website:

please find the detailed application through this link:
https://www.mines.edu/graduate-admissions/ (toefl and gre are required for international students)

for more details about colorado school of mines, please see the links below:
http://colleges.usnews.rankingsa ... chool-of-mines-1348
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