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[交流] 美国University of California Riverside机械工程系诚招全奖博士研究生

Two PhD positions are available in the Robotics and Medical Systems (RaMS) Laboratory under Dr. Jun Sheng at University of California Riverside (UCR). Dr. Sheng is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He is seeking highly motivated graduate students to work on multiple projects on imaging-guided surgical robotics, medical devices, rehabilitation engineering, and 3D-printed smart materials. The developed technologies will be applied to cancer diagnosis and therapy, neurorehabilitation, minimally invasive surgery, etc. The lab collaborates with UCR Bioengineering Department, Psychology Department, Loma Linda University Medical School, and Veterans Hospital. More details can be found on https://rams.engr.ucr.edu/.

The prospective students are expected to have a strong interest/background in mechanical design, mechanics, and control. Students with degrees in mechanical engineering, electric engineering, or biomedical engineering are encouraged to apply. A master's degree is preferred but not required, and the minimum requirement of GRE is 150 (V) + 165 (Q) + 3 (AW). Ph.D. students will be fully funded by the combination of fellowships, teaching assistantships, and research assistantships that can cover tuition, living expenses, and medical insurance.

UCR is an "R1" - highest research activity - institution located 60 miles to the east of Los Angeles. It utilizes a quarter-based academic calendar. More information about the department is available on https://www.me.ucr.edu/.

If interested, please send your CV, personal statement (optional), GRE and TOEFL scores, and transcripts as one PDF file to junsheng@engr.ucr.edu with the subject "UCR Application_Your Name". Online applications should be submitted by January 5th to be considered for fall admission starting at 9/28/2019. Early admission for summer research can be considered for fall admission.
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