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[交流] WIEN2k_21.1was released on 14. April 2021

The current version is
and was released on 14. April 2021. Version 21.1 is a major update, with several new features and many bugfixes. Upgrading from WIEN2k_19 (or earlier) is highly recommended.

WIEN2k-Update information:
Current version: WIEN2k_21
Version 21 is a major update. It contains all bug fixes and patches as listed at the Github page of Gavin Abo and several others. For details see below.

There are several new features as compared to version 19.2 and update is highly recommended.

We want in particular thank Gavin Abo for various bug fixes, Pavel Ondracka for his efforts with OPENMP parallelization and fixing incompatibilities (gfortran) and Oleg Rubel for updating all Python scripts to version 3.

Below are the most important changes compared to WIEN2k_19.2:

We have recently published a review paper on WIEN2k and the official citation of WIEN2k should include:
WIEN2k: An APW+lo program for calculating the properties of solids.
P. Blaha, K.Schwarz, F. Tran, R. Laskowski, G.K.H. Madsen and L.D. Marks, J. Chem. Phys. 152, 074101 (2020)


WIEN2k, An Augmented Plane Wave + Local Orbitals Program for Calculating Crystal Properties (Karlheinz Schwarz, Techn. Universität Wien, Austria), 2018. ISBN 3-9501031-1-2
P. Blaha, K. Schwarz, G. K. H. Madsen, D. Kvasnicka, J. Luitz, R. Laskowski, F. Tran and L. D. Marks.

OpenMP parallelization: This parallelization has been further improved (particular thanks to Pavel Ondracka ) and is very useful when running WIEN2k on modern multicore PCs. The programs dstart, 3ddens, nlvdw, optic (new), lapw0/1/2/so/ have been parallelized and run highly efficient on such cpus. Please note that a significant speedup of lapw1 is limited to 4 cores (due to limitations of the diagonalization using Intels mkl library). For more info please read the parallelization chapter of the Usersguide.
local mBJ (lmBJ): enables the mBJ potential for multilayers, surfaces and molecules. It calculates a "local-c(r)" using a folding of grad rho/rho with a Gaussian of a certain width.
kinetic energy tau in lapw2/lcore: direct tau calculation from grad |psi|*grad|psi| (not via vresp files in lapw0). More accurate numerically and the ONLY correct way when an additional non-local potential (like -orb or -eece) is used.
mstar: new program (thanks to Oleg Rubel) calculating effective masses. See also: O.Rubel et al., Computer Physics Communications, 261 (2021), 107648.
mixer: new version 10.8 by L.D.Marks, which should be again faster and more stable. It also features a new optimization under CONSTRAINTS for finding transition states or saddle point geometries. Please read the doku inside SRC_mixer or on our textbook page.
optic: Massive speedup with OpenMP parallelization.
rendos: new program calculates a "renormalized" DOS, where the interstital DOS is decomposed as much as possible and added to the partial DOS of the atoms. This allows a much better estimate of the DOS of localized (not changed) vs. delocalized states (like 3d vs. 4s PDOS of TM atoms). It can then be plotted using dosplot2 -ren (for an example see M.Bagheri and P. Blaha, J. Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 230 (2019), 1 - 9.
optimize_abc_lapw: a new script for finding the equillibrium lattice parameters of 2D (hexagonal or tetragonal) or 3D (orthorhombic) cases with relatively little effort. High parallelization possible. With an external loop (by hand) over an angle, even monoclinic lattices can be optimized now.
At http://www.wien2k.at/reg_user/unsupported you can find a new tool by M. Jamal for 2D elastic constants (IRelast2D)
all codes SRC_*/* have changed cmplx(a,b) to dcmplx(a,b), conjg to dconjg and in general gfortran (version 10) compatibility has been enforced. In addition, we have dropped fftpack and FFTW2 support and require now FFTW3 also for the sequential code.
all csh-shell and Python scripts have been converted to /bin/tcsh and Python 3, respectively.
check_minimal_software.sh: checks the minimal (and some recommended) software requirements for WIEN2k. It should be executed before an actual installation with siteconfing_lapw is done.

The following updates have been made:

VERSION_21: 10.4.2021
all scripts have been changed to /bin/tcsh
analyse_lapw: support for :CONSTRAINT :VCOUL :FCG keywords
Cgrace_dos_lapw: small fix for ymax setting
check_minimal_software.sh: checks the minimal software requirements for WIEN2k. Should be executed before an actual installation with siteconfing_lapw is done.
checkinwplot_lapw: Python 3 compatibility (mainly print function)
create_elf_lapw: new script for ELF (electron localization function, default option), alpha or z plotting. Better accuracy than direct calculation of these quantities in lapw0. Needs tau files, executes internally lapw0, lapw5/3ddens and create_rho
dosplot2: support for -pesb (broadened pes files)
expand_lapw: Berrypi configuration changed, tcsh change with .change_tcsh
hfpara_lapw: support for parallel hf-calculations with spin-orbit coupling
instgen_lapw: support for ultra-heavy elements (Og)
init_lapw: echos for default settings quoted, sanity check for -ecut -12 and 1.01; TETRA automatically replaced by TEMP for 2D systems; s/,/./ for german LANG setting
init_orb_lapw: check for valid atom numbers for more atoms of the same type
init_so_lapw: bug fix for multiple init_so calls with reducing symmetry because case.in2 was not updated. When multiplicity has changed, case.tausum instead of case.vresp is updated.
joinvec_lapw: support for -hf -so and $scratch
lapw0para_lapw: lapw0.error file created
lapw1para_lapw: granularity set to 1 if $SCRATCH is something else than "./"; substitutions changed to ".output..."; sumw=0 checked (wrong .machines file)
lapw2para_lapw: substitutions changed to ".output..."; support for case.tauval_NN
lapwdmpara_lapw: lapwdm.error created, substitutions improved
lapwsopara_lapw:substitutions improved, -norun (def-file only) support
makestruct_lapw: small fix: title in quotes
nlvdwpara_lapw: nlvdw.error file created
nmr_analyse_lapw: uses summary_nmr_orb (from nmr_orb_analyse) and adds spin and dipolar terms for NMR in metals (for usage see UG)
nmr_orb_analyse_lapw: new script for easier check of chemical shifts for several atoms, see UG (creates summary_nmr_orb)
opticcopy_lapw: fix for spin-polarization
opticpara_lapw: fix for empty SCRATCH variable, runs opticcopy for spin-polarization, substitutions improved
optimize_abc_lapw: new script (together with xyzchange_lapw) allows for an efficient optimization of 2D (a,c in hex or tetragonal cases) or 3D (orthorhombic) lattice parameters (see UG).
parabolfit_lapw: generalization for scf-file selection
prepare_xsf_lapw: Python 3 compatibility (mainly print function)
qtlpara_lapw: fix for parallel vectors on $SCRATCH
reduce_rmt_lapw: bug fix for -vxc switch
restore_lapw: support for tau files
run*_lapw: set vresp variable at the beginning of the script, tau support, echo used instead of printf, .lcore usage printed into scf file, support for .forcedmat, .forceorb (uses unmixed dmat/vorb files)
runeece_lapw: support for -fsm, -tau, -afm
runfsm_lapw: support for -eece
run_lapw, runsp_lapw: -dftd4, -lmbj support
run_kgenhf_lapw: -newklist support
save_lapw: -nodel (does not delete scf and broyden files for intermediate saves); tau* files saved, using cp -p (preserves date and time)
scfmonitor_lapw: terminal qt support
setrmt_lapw: RMT factor for P increased, nndist fix 3.3 instead of 2.3
siteconfig_lapw: support for FP_OPTS and OMP_SWITCH with corresponding Makefile.orig changes; -new option to come again to a "first installation"; FFTW3 mandatory; WIEN2k_parallel_options file; various small changes and improvements
userconfig_lapw: BERRYPI variables removed
vec2old_lapw: unaliases cp command
wplot2xsf_lapw: Python 3 compatibility (mainly print function)
write_inwf_lapw: Python 3 compatibility (mainly print function)
x_lapw: various open of lapw1,2,sumpara,lapwso,qtl with irecl=-1 indication action='read'.
aim: -dn
broadening: -pes support
create_rho support
dftd4 support
joinvec: support for -hf -so
lapw0: -lmbj, -vsp xxx
lapw2: unit 15, case.tmp with status=scratch removed; -tau
lapw3: -up/dn -val/tot
lapw5: -tau -exchange2 -sub -add
lapw7: -so
lapwso -p -d -hf
lcore: -vresp -tau
mstar, mstarqtl support
mixer: support for -dftd4, -tau
nlvdv: support for -lmbj
optic: omp support
qtl: case.tmpup/dn in qtl.def on scratch
rendos support
sumpara_tau support
xyz2struct: support
3ddens: -tau -sub -add
x_nmr_lapw: bug-fix for spin-orbit coupling: writing Emin (-10.) for case.inso corrected, support for -quota -so options
x_nmr_quota_lapw: support for -quota -so
SRC_3ddens: write_xsf.f: correction in writing xsf file. order: y,x,z --> x,y,z; bug fix for R-lattice in conventional (hexagonal) cell.
SRC_aim: change from interst.frc to *.F, support for integration of a different array then the total charge density (spin densities for magnetic moments); XERROR --> XERROR1; speedup using vector-cos
SRC_BerryPI: compatibility with python3, updated to newest version from github (WloopPHI for Weyl points; polarization calculations are now possible for any lattice type (previously limited to orthogonal lattice vectors); program options are changed to WIEN2k style)
SRC_broadening: support for pes-broadening
SRC_cif2struct: scan_cif.f: check for rounded 1/3,... for hex and rhomb SG
SRC_clmaddsub: Bugfix in case that the K-vector order has changed
SRC_dipan: dipan.f: bugfix for typo "lattice" in dirortho call
SRC_dstart: Fix for "K-vectors up to GMIN"
SRC_eosfit6: Better output, lists also error estimates of a,b,c
SRC_Globals: modified W2kinit.F, W2kutils.c, dergl.f charge.f
SRC_hf: Fix for "spin-polarized calc. + SO and no inversion symmetry (never really "active",atoms up to ZZ=118
SRC_joint: joint.f (symmat1 changed to symma1 for xmcd)
SRC_kgen: basdiv.f (fix for manual setting of kx,ky,kz for CXZ lattice)
SRC_lapw0: Support for staggerd magnetic fields (approximate "FSM" for antiferromagnets); kinetic energy density via tausum files (more accurate alternative to vrespsum), mandatory fftw3 usage (fftw2 and fftwpack removed), fftw*.f03 files removed, better omp-support, angular Lebedev integration (instead of Gauss-Legendre), accuracy of Coulomb potential increased, local-mBJ support, SCANL, R2SCAN, support for libxc-5.1.2, new mixing for mBJ, prepared for scf-MGGA (not active yet), atomnumber up to ZZ=118, fix for efg.f, vxclm2.f (fix for scaled PBE 1-d0->1.d0); rotdef.f
SRC_lapw1: coors.f: improved NVECx check; removed print statements in dsyxev4.f, dsyrdt4.f, dsbein1.f; modules.F: fix for non-ELPA mpi version; open with -irecl=-1
SRC_lapw2: common radfu,potnlc,uhelp --> module radial_functions, uhelp; adaption for direct tau calculation: lapw2.F,l2main.F,atpar.F,outwin.f,fourir.F, ; fermi.f: check for zero denominator; lmax_to_dmft added to the qdmft module; open with -irecl=-1i; atom_mass till 118; fftw3 required
SRC_lapwdm: diracout: ZZ till 118, fix for hf+so-vectors
SRC_lapwso: open with -irecl=-1 (action='read'), diracout: Z-118; hmsec.f: matrix routine zheevr; kptout.f: k-vec with 1 more digit printed
SRC_lcore: support for direct tau calculation
SRC_lstart: modified case.inm; 2s-lo for small C spheres automatically removed from the basisset
SRC_mixer: new version 10.8, constraints (saddle points, reaction barriers), see $WIENROOT/SRC_mixer/Docs; STIFF and STIFFER mode for difficult problems
SRC_mstar: New program for effective masses in semiconductors, see O.Rubel et al., Computer Physics Communications 261 (2021) 107648. There is also a mstarqtl utility, which creates a "qtl" file with effective masses for "fat-band" spaghetti plots.
SRC_nlvdw: support for local-mBJ (lmbj): calculates the local grad rho/rho folded with a Gaussian of width sigma for finite systems (surfaces, multilayers, molecules), mpi improvements, bug fix in calc_density: in cases with MULT>1 and pos and neag. IATNR, it may have used the wrong cubic/non-cubic charge summation
SRC_nn: calculates also bond angles
SRC_optic: *.frc --> *.F; speedup and omp parallelization (mmatrix.f, sph-UP.F,planew.F,lomain_op.F), fix for vecorhfup/dn, vectorhfso; opimat not written on unit 8 in symop.f
SRC_optimize: filename corrections, comments in optimize.job updated
SRC_pes: real*16 removed; changes for renormalized DOS (removing constrain for atoms with same name)
SRC_qtl: array-reorganization, keeping qtl-array in memory, open with -irecl=-1 (action='read'), f-orbitals reassigned: fx(x2-3y2)-->fy(x2-3y2), fx(3x2-y2)-->fy(3x2-y2) because of different Ylm convention with (-1)**m
SRC_rendos: new program for a renormalized DOS (without interstital) using a least squares fit such that the sum of the atomic PDOS gives the total DOS and the interstitial is removed.
SRC_spaghetti: bz_lin.f: consistent use of toler (fixing additional black lines); inview.f: sizec_power (to scale sphere size of fat plots with some power), atom index = -1 in case.insp will read case.qtlmstar instead if case.qtl in spagh.f, circle scale plotted (which can be easily switch off by header=0 in case.insp or removed by editing the bounding box in the ps file)
SRC_structeditor/SRC_readwrite: fix (multiplicity) for rwoctave.f
SRC_sumpara: open with -irecl=-1 (action='read'), printing of diagonalized density matrix+eigenvectors
SRC_symmetry: pstol introduced
SRC_templates: changes in several input file templates: case.inaim (default phi and theta over all space), case.inb (PES), case.in5 (ADD), case.innlvdw (no default Kerneltype, sigma line), case.insp (header), case.int (KSEL=xx), .machines (omp_optic); new files: case.inm_tau, case.indftd4, case.incritic2
SRC_tetra: KSEL=XX in case.int limits integration to tetrahedra containing the selected k-point (for analysis).
SRC_trig: new program create_rho.f (needed by create_elf_lapw); findMINcboa.f (fix for orthorhombic); fmax.f (fix for autorange of dosplot2); join_vectorfiles.f (-so -hf support); write_win_backend.f (format fix); xyz2struct.f (support for reading POSCAR files); SRC_w2w: modules_rc.F (allocation of E and projection); modw2w.f (mass up to 118)
SRC_w2web: bin/w2web: fix for accept/deny keywords in w2web.conf (thanks to M. Kroecker, Univ. Freiburg); navig.pl (init_nlvdw); scf.pl, scfrun.pl (nl-vdW switch); min.pl (preference for -min over min_lapw)
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