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[交流] 作为MDPI Topic Editor 欢迎大家提前联系投稿 (Advanced Integrated Circuit)已有1人参与

作为长期潜水的一员,前段时间被邀请作为Topic Editor。因为也是去年底博士刚毕业(Soft robotics & Flexible electronics 方向)所以学术界人脉也有限,所以希望借此结交相关方向能人义士,也能为小伙伴们提供学术发表上的帮助。

如果有感兴趣发表文章的的可以联系我 chenshoue@gmail.com,我可以提前把paper list上报上去


Topic: Advanced Integrated Circuit Design and Application
Deadline for Abstract Submissions: 30 August 2024
Deadline for Manuscript Submissions: 31 December 2024
Relevant journals(5 Journals): Electronics(SCIE, IF 2.9), Sensors(SCIE, IF 3.9), Eng, JLPEA(ESCI, IF 2.1), Micromachines(SCIE, IF 3.4), Nanomaterials(SCIE, IF 5.3)

2. Summary
Advanced integrated circuits (ICs) are keystone of modern electronics, playing a significant role in enabling the development of increasingly powerful, efficient, and versatile electronic devices and systems that renovate our living styles. Among vast industries and technologies, the application of electronic engineering and IC system design to solve challenges in medical and biological fields has placed this field in the forefront of research and innovation. The potential intersection of biology, medicine and electrical engineering will have a profound impact on modern health care and treatment and diagnosis of disease. In addition, owing to the continuous development of smart functional materials and electronics, advanced ICs could be imparted with intelligence and versatile sensory abilities. The ability to build IC systems combining solid-state electronics with unique capabilities of bioinspired components exhibits great promise, along with other innovations in advanced IC designs.

The main technical challenges for advanced ICs involve how to construct units with improved performance, lower power consumption, enhanced reliability, smaller footprint, and possibility for new applications. Thus, the developments of emerging IC technologies have been focused on introducing novel device structures, new semiconducting materials and new architecture to improve performance/integration density and enhance the function of ICs.

We encourage submissions (original research & review) on, but not limited to novel emerging material technologies such as zero-dimensional, one-dimensional, two-dimensional, and three-dimensional nanostructured materials, smart and active materials for IC development, flexible thin-film IC designs, IC packaging, smart power ICs and energy harvesting technologies, and their broad applications in next generation wearables, health monitoring, touch-sensing and other sensory systems.

3. Keywords
·Interface ICs
·Flexible ICs
·IC Packaging
·Bioinspired Electronics
·Energy Harvesting
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