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铁虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 一篇新手GRE ARGUMENT 望点评

The writer concludes that it is a fortune for citizens to elect ANN Green(AG) to be the mayoral of city Clearview. As he said that AG is a member of Good Earth Colition so that a better environmental condition would gain as a result of his endeavor. On the other hand , the current mayoral Frank Braun was totally different and failed in protect our environment and even ignore the significance of environment protection.After the reasons were given, I found 4 main cognitive errors in the editor's artical.
        First of all , the editor simplify the work of a mayoral and cites to much relationship between environment protetion and mayoral' s responsibility. Environment is definitely important for us and our offspring , never the less, we should still take attention to other aspects such as econemy and education. In other words,a reasonable dicision and a correct justification were extraordinary needed when a mayoral balance the development of a city.
        Secondly, it's helpful if a mayoral to be a member of a environment protecting group, but it don't represent any contributions that he have made. More over , we still don't konw whether he join the protecting group is a political show. the reason of Many people join a welfare ognization would be a better reputation than real contribution.
        Thirdly, the editor mentioned the growth of factories in city Clearview. As I see it , it can not be a reason to blame the current mayoral since no evidence have get to prove this reproach. Actually ,more and more factories become low carbon and make a good deal of contribution to the local economy. The main mission is the supervise of goveronment as well as the altitude of the mayoral.
        Last but nor least, the reason of respiratory disease in Clearview increase may have no relevance with the factory's development and No statistics were given to testify his opinion. In many countries such as German, heavy industry is everywhere, yet, the number of respiratory disease incidence is much lower than some development countries such an India.
        All in all(in sum), the editorial should find further evidences to prove his point of view. for instance, the works FB have done that protect our environment and obvious defects that mayoral AG  behaved. Moreover, the statistics about the pollution of factories and the relevance between pollution and respiratory symptom .in consideration of the experience of AG, there must be harder works make to win the election .

[ Last edited by 既傻又憨 on 2011-8-15 at 16:05 ]

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木虫 (著名写手)

5楼2011-12-27 19:55:37
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木虫之王 (文学泰斗)

6楼2011-12-27 20:03:47
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铁虫 (小有名气)

7楼2012-01-06 12:18:53
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2011-08-15 21:41  
chaowang3eg(金币+1): 欢迎常来噢~~ 2011-08-16 08:19:22
loveskyzhou(金币+1): 哦。。。我没有冒犯的意思,但我真不懂这花是啥意思。。。。 2011-08-16 09:46:29
2011-08-16 08:19  
2011-08-16 09:45  
loveskyzhou(金币+1): 哦。。。我没有冒犯的意思,但我真不懂这花是啥意思。。。。 2011-08-16 09:46:36
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