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[交流] 内布拉斯加大学林肯分校计算机学院Zoom线上招生咨询会

内布拉斯加大学林肯分校(Univeristy of Nebraska-Lincoln)计算机学院(School of Computing)诚挚邀请各位同学参加本月举行的Zoom线上招生咨询会!!!

详情请登录 [https://go.unl.edu/soc-gid-2021] [https://go.unl.edu/soc-gid-2021]
Please RSVP to attend the UNL School of Computing Graduate Information Event to be held on Friday, October 22, 2021 - 9:00 AM to Noon (CST)

内布拉斯加大学林肯分校(University of Nebraska Lincoln),简称UNL,是美国中西部久负盛名的公立综合性大学。内布拉斯加大学林肯分校是内布拉斯加州最高学府,在各个学科和领域均享有声誉,产生了3位诺贝尔奖及1位图灵奖获得者。大学曾长期为美国大学协会成员,也隶属于十大联盟(Big Ten)。
University of Nebraska – Lincoln is a public land-grant research university in Lincoln, Nebraska. It is ranked as #133 overall public/private university and #75 in computer science by USNews in 2021. It has been recognized as a doctoral university (R1) by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education.

计算机学院(School of Computing)是2021年扩建的新学院,原为计算机科学于工程系。学院现有800余名本科生,100余名研究生和博士生。学院的师资队伍包含40余位教授,其中31位终身教授(tenure & tenure-track),8名NSF CAREER Award,2名IEEE Fellow以及1名ACM Fellow。学院正在快速地扩张,招收新的Faculty和更多的研究生。学院毗邻Holland超算中心。
The Holland Computing Center (HCC) boasts the fastest resources in the state of Nebraska at two locations: the Peter Kiewit Institute (PKI) at Omaha and the Schorr Center at UNL. Crane checks in at 121 TeraFLOPS and is a Top500 Supercomputer. Red, serving the CMS project, stores over 7 petabytes of data. Rhino provides 256 GB of RAM per node for shared memory computing.

林肯市(Lincoln)位于美国内布拉斯加州东部,是该州的首府兼第二大城市,仅次于奥马哈(Omaha),也是兰开斯特县(Lancaster County)的县治所在。林肯市的失业率常年只有3%,大大低于全国近10%的水平,是全国失业率最低的州首府城市之一。林肯市区和学校校园非常安全,干净和安静!林肯常年位列全美10大最幸福城市,2021年最新排名第七位。
Lincoln covers 96.194 square miles (249.141 km2) with a population of 289,102 in 2019. It is the second-most populous city in Nebraska and the 68th-largest in the United States. The city is the economic and cultural anchor of a substantially larger metropolitan area in the southeastern part of the state called the Lincoln Metropolitan and Lincoln-Beatrice Combined Statistical Areas.
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