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[交流] 5 women ski jumpers are disqualified at the Olympics over their jumpsuits

Anger and confusion overflowed at the Olympic mixed-team ski jumping final in China after five female competitors were disqualified from the event by officials who said their jumpsuits didn't comply with the rules. The shocking outcome sparked tears and left athletes and coaches struggling to describe what they had just experienced.

The disqualified jumpers represent four of the top ski jumping teams in the world: Sara Takanashi of Japan; Daniela Iraschko-Stolz of Austria; Katharina Althaus of Germany; and Anna Odine Stroem and Silje Opseth of Norway.

A roundup of reactions, via Reuters:

    "We just pulled the crap card. That is how you destroy nations, development and the entire sport," said Germany's Althaus, who already has won a silver medal in Beijing in an individual event.
    "This is a parody, but I am not laughing," said German sports director Horst Huttel.
    "The sport of ski jumping has experienced one of its darker days," said Clas Brede Braathen, the Norwegian national team manager for ski jumping.
    "For me, it is a puppet theater. The entire season the suits have been an issue. I am unbelievably angry and I don't understand it," said German team coach Stefan Horngacher.
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