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[交流] Olympic figure skaters' medals are in limbo over a (new) Russian doping scandal

Medalists in team figure skating still haven't received their prizes at the Beijing Olympics because of an apparent failed doping test. Russian media report that the athlete in question is Kamila Valieva, who made history by landing two quadruple jumps.

Reports surfaced on Wednesday that Valieva, 15, tested positive for a heart drug called trimetazidine, which can boost athletes' endurance and blood efficiency. Russian media outlets report that Valieva submitted the sample in question before winning last month's European championship.

Valieva returned to the ice Thursday after missing practice on Wednesday. Her absence had led to speculation that she might have been suspended — but Olga Ermolina, a press officer of the Figure Skating Federation of Russia, told media outlets that Valieva is not under an Olympic suspension. That implies Valieva will compete in the women's single competition, which begins on Tuesday.

The teams' medal ceremony for the Russian Olympic Committee (which won gold), the U.S. (silver) and Japan (bronze) was called off on Tuesday because of what officials describe as a "legal issue." As of Thursday, the medals remain in limbo. If Russia's win is thrown out, fourth-place Canada would gain a spot on the podium and the U.S. would rise to take the gold.
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