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[交流] China to build more eco-farms by 2025

China plans to build more ecological farms in the coming years to advance modernization and green development in the agricultural sector, said a guideline published Wednesday by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

China aims to build 1,000 national ecological farms and 10,000 local ones nationwide by 2025. They will be agriculture production and operation entities, targeting maximum sustainable output while seeking to match the resources, be environmentally friendly, and ensure food safety, it said.

The country also hopes to foster modern and efficient market entities, promote specific technical patterns, and explore and establish supportive policies related to ecological agriculture, noted the document.

The move would increase the supply of green and quality agricultural products while boosting the quality, efficiency, and competitiveness of the agricultural sector.

According to a five-year plan on farming published last month, China will have made significant progress in the farming industry by 2025, boosting the capability of providing key farming produce and achieving green production.
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