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[交流] China to deliver improved community services to both urban, rural dwellers

As China charges full steam ahead to achieve the macro-level goals set for the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), it has also pledged to deliver ever-improving community services to the doorsteps of both urban and rural dwellers.

This commitment has been fleshed out in a plan to build a system of urban and rural community services recently issued by the General Office of the State Council.

Coordinated efforts will be made to advance community services ranging from child care, education, medical care, elderly care, social welfare, sports and culture, as well as services to boost the sense of convenience and safety among residents, according to the plan.

Various types of participants, including social organizations, social workers, volunteers and charity groups have been encouraged to join the efforts, the power of the market will be better leveraged, and the government will play a better role, according to the plan.
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