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[交流] University of New South Wales, PhD in Mechanical/Civil Engineering已有1人参与

dr liya zhao from the school of mechanical and manufacturing engineering at the university of new south wales (unsw sydney, global ranking qs = 45th, us news = 41th), is seeking phd students to work on projects related to the following topics. full scholarship will be provided (tuition waiver + stipend).

• nonlinear dynamics
• vibration energy harvesting (harnessing renewable energy from base vibration or wind-induced vibration, ocean wave, etc.; developing efficiency enhancement innovations)
• smart structures and systems for vibration/noise suppression (metastructures, adaptive structures with composite smart materials)

experiences in vibration, nonlinear dynamics, finite element modelling, aerodynamics, programming (e.g., matlab) and experiments are highly desirable;
gpa: master's or bachelor's degree with first- or second-class honors (>4.0/5.0 or 80/100);
english: if previous education was not conducted in english, there is english language proficiency requirement. ielts: 6.5 overall, min 6.0 each subtest. toefl ibt: 90 overall (min. 23 in writing, 22 in reading, listening and speaking).

application details: https://research.unsw.edu.au/how-apply

if interested, please send the following documents to liya.zhao2@unsw.edu.au:
- your transcripts (requirement: bachelor gpa > 80/100);
- cv;
- an abstract of your intended research, around 200 words;
- publications if applicable.

csc sponsored phd/visiting students are also welcome.


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小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
2楼2023-06-29 20:43:37
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新虫 (初入文坛)

3楼2023-10-30 14:16:29
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新虫 (初入文坛)

4楼2024-03-18 12:40:14
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新虫 (初入文坛)

5楼2024-04-04 13:50:09
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