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[交流] 美国马萨诸塞大学土木工程材料全奖博士招生

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Lowell is seeking Ph.D. students to work on Sustainable Cementitious Materials. The admitted students will work in a collaborative and supportive research environment with full financial support (waived tuition plus monthly stipend). We are looking for highly motivated and dedicated students to strengthen our research group. Individuals with the following backgrounds are encouraged to apply:
(i)     Low-carbon cementitious composites and CO2 mineralization;
(ii)    Molecular dynamics / Thermodynamics;
(iii)   3D printing;
(iv)   Cement chemistry;
(v)    Multi-scale material characterizations.

Laboratory research experience with a master’s degree in Structural Engineering, Materials Science, or Chemical Engineering is preferred. Interested applicants should email a detailed C.V. and transcript(s) in a single PDF file to Dr. Jianqiang Wei (Jianqiang_Wei@uml.edu). The position is immediately available, and preference will be given to students who can start in Summer 2024 or Fall 2024. To receive full consideration, applications should be received by May 1st, 2024.

The University of Massachusetts Lowell is a national research university (rising to R1 in 2025) committed to preparing students for work in the real world - solving real problems and helping real people - by providing an affordable, high-quality education. The university’s ranking is improving dramatically, the third-fastest in the nation. The campus is located in the greater Boston area, one of the most well-developed regions in the U.S. It takes only 30 minutes to Boston. If you would like to study in a safe, affordable, and booming institute with a dense academic atmosphere, our campus will be an ideal place. The students will get a chance to pursue high-quality research, and some multi-scale material characterizations, including NMR, PDF, and micro-CT, will be conducted at MIT and Harvard University.
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