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铁虫 (正式写手)

[资源] 导热理论经典教材-Heat Conduction

Heat Conduction, Third Edition
David W. Hahn, M. Necati Ozisik(auth.)
The long-awaited revision of the bestseller on heat conduction

Heat Conduction, Third Edition is an update of the classic text on heat conduction, replacing some of the coverage of numerical methods with content on micro- and nanoscale heat transfer. With an emphasis on the mathematics and underlying physics, this new edition has considerable depth and analytical rigor, providing a systematic framework for each solution scheme with attention to boundary conditions and energy conservation. Chapter coverage includes:

Heat conduction fundamentals
Orthogonal functions, boundary value problems, and the Fourier Series
The separation of variables in the rectangular coordinate system
The separation of variables in the cylindrical coordinate system
The separation of variables in the spherical coordinate system
Solution of the heat equation for semi-infinite and infinite domains
The use of Duhamel's theorem
The use of Green's function for solution of heat conduction
The use of the Laplace transform
One-dimensional composite medium
Moving heat source problems
Phase-change problems
Approximate analytic methods
Integral-transform technique
Heat conduction in anisotropic solids
Introduction to microscale heat conduction
In addition, new capstone examples are included in this edition and extensive problems, cases, and examples have been thoroughly updated. A solutions manual is also available.

Heat Conduction is appropriate reading for students in mainstream courses of conduction heat transfer, students in mechanical engineering, and engineers in research and design functions throughout industry.Content:
Chapter 1 Heat Conduction Fundamentals (pages 1–39):
Chapter 2 Orthogonal Functions, Boundary Value Problems, and the Fourier Series (pages 40–74):
Chapter 3 Separation of Variables in the Rectangular Coordinate System (pages 75–127):
Chapter 4 Separation of Variables in the Cylindrical Coordinate System (pages 128–182):
Chapter 5 Separation of Variables in the Spherical Coordinate System (pages 183–235):
Chapter 6 Solution of the Heat Equation for Semi?Infinite and Infinite Domains (pages 236–272):
Chapter 7 Use of Duhamel's Theorem (pages 273–299):
Chapter 8 Use of Green's Function for Solution of Heat Conduction Problems (pages 300–354):
Chapter 9 Use of the Laplace Transform (pages 355–392):
Chapter 10 One?Dimensional Composite Medium (pages 393–432):
Chapter 11 Moving Heat Source Problems (pages 433–451):
Chapter 12 Phase?Change Problems (pages 452–495):
Chapter 13 Approximate Analytic Methods (pages 496–546):
Chapter 14 Integral Transform Technique (pages 547–613):
Chapter 15 Heat Conduction in Anisotropic Solids (pages 614–650):
Chapter 16 Introduction to Microscale Heat Conduction (pages 651–678):

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