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[交流] 荷兰莱顿大学Ewa教授和Sylvestre教授联合招收2023年秋季生命科学或化学方向CSC博士生

荷兰莱顿大学Ewa Snaar-Jagalska 教授和Sylvestre Bonnet教授联合招收2023年秋季PACT/GBM方向CSC博士生


Dr Ewa Snaar-Jagalska:

The main focus of her research is on: the role of innate immunity responses to cancer cells during angiogenesis and metastasis; and human cancer modeling in zebrafish with the ultimate aim of establishing zebrafish as a key model for rapid discovery and assessment of cancer genetic targets (biomarkers) and drugs to develop strategies for cancer therapies including targeted nanomedicine approaches for drug delivery. Two main research themes are included: 1. Microenvironmental regulation of cancer angiogenesis and metastasis. 3. Cancer modeling in zebrafish patient derived cancer models (PDX) for personalize treatment prediction.

More information: https://www.universiteitleiden.n ... naar-jagalska#tab-1

Dr Sylvestre Bonnet:

His current research interests are anticancer photoactivated chemotherapy, photopharmacology, photodynamic therapy, and liposome technologies. Special interest in hypoxia in oncology and its effects on resistance to chemotherapy and anticancer drug delivery.

More information: https://www.universiteitleiden.n ... bonnet/publications


A strong interest in scientific research combining new chemistry and cancer biology

Experience with cell culturing and bioimaging (fluorescent microscopy)

Experience with Zebrafish or Mouse (tumor) models is a plus.

Familiar with the basic knowledge of molecular biology and basic skills such as qPCR, Western blot, cloning, and/or cellular-based assays.

Experience or interest in the photodynamic therapy against cancer is a plus.

Proficiency in English communication (oral and written) and scientific writing skills.

Eligible to apply for CSC-Leiden Doctoral Scholarship in March 2023, for a start in September 2023.

Has obtained a master's degree or is about to obtain a master's degree in June 2023.

Ewa Snaar-Jagalska 教授和Sylvestre Bonnet教授非常尊重学生的个人才能与科研热情,希望招收具备浓厚的科研兴趣与极大的学术潜力的博士研究生,并且期待所招收博士能在新合成材料在疾病治疗这一跨学科领域做出成绩。请有意向的同学将CV,Personal Statements, Personal Presentation (slides), Academic Papers (if any),Recommendation Letters发送至g.zhao@biology.leidenuniv.nl。并在邮件中写明自己的个人读博的动机及对课题的简要看法,邮件标题为CSC PhD Application by xxx。以上材料均为英文。我们会适当机会安排面试,Ewa Snaar-Jagalska 教授和Sylvestre Bonnet教授会全力支持优秀学生的科研之路,并期待学生能够享受科研过程,在莱顿大学有一段美好的求学经历。

Leiden University is a public research university in Leiden, Netherlands. The university was founded as a Protestant university in 1575 by William, Prince of Orange, as a reward to the city of Leiden for its defence against Spanish attacks during the Eighty Years' War. As the oldest institution of higher education in the Netherlands, it enjoys a reputation across Europe and the world. The university has produced twenty-six Spinoza Prize Laureates and sixteen Nobel Laureates, including Enrico Fermi and Albert Einstein.

Leiden University is ranked 77th in the 2021 Times Higher Education World University Rankings, 82nd in the 2021 U.S. News World University Rankings, 131st in the 2022QS World University Rankings, and 101st-150th in the 2022 Shanghai World University Academic Rankings.

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