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[交流] 百萤 核酸检测的好帮手----DNA检测染料 PUR-1

一、百萤 DNA检测染料 PUR-1简介

在没有核酸的情况下,PUR-1基本不发荧光。在存在DNA或RNA的情况下,其荧光显着增强。在存在RNA的情况下,PUR-1在〜478 nm处具有荧光,荧光量子产率为〜40%。PUR-1染料在488 nm处可激发(在460 nm处有大激发),并且在存在核酸的情况下发出470至550 nm之间的荧光,在478 nm处具有大发射。该染料可与流式细胞仪结合用于分析血源性寄生虫感染。

二、百萤 DNA检测染料 PUR-1参数

分子量     437.30
溶   剂    DMSO
存储条件   在-15℃以下保存,避光防潮
保质期     12个月
激发波长(nm)  459
发射波长(nm)   478

三、百萤 DNA检测染料 PUR-1参考文献

Activation of Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein 4 and ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channel Cumulatively Decreases Superoxide Production in Insect Mitochondria
Authors: Slocinska M, Rosinski G, Jarmuszkiewicz W.
Journal: Protein Pept Lett (2016): 63
Rasagiline prevents cyclosporine A-sensitive superoxide flashes induced by PK11195, the initial signal of mitochondrial membrane permeabilization and apoptosis
Authors: Wu Y, Shamoto-Nagai M, Maruyama W, Osawa T, Naoi M.
Journal: J Neural Transm (Vienna) (2016): 491
Mitochondrial disease-related mutations at the cytochrome b-iron-sulfur protein (ISP) interface: Molecular effects on the large-scale motion of ISP and superoxide generation studied in Rhodobacter capsulatus cytochrome bc1
Authors: Ekiert R, Borek A, Kuleta P, Czernek J, Osyczka A.
Journal: Biochim Biophys Acta (2016): 1102
Oleuropein Prevents Neuronal Death, Mitigates Mitochondrial Superoxide Production and Modulates Autophagy in a Dopaminergic Cellular Model
Authors: Achour I, Arel-Dubeau AM, Renaud J, Legr and M, Attard E, Germain M, Martinoli MG.
Journal: Int J Mol Sci (2016): 1293
Manganese-superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) overexpression is a common event in colorectal cancers with mitochondrial microsatellite instability
Authors: Govatati S, Malempati S, Saradamma B, Divyamaanasa D, Naidu BP, Bramhachari PV, Narayana N, Shivaji S, Bhanoori M, Tamanam RR, Rao PS, Nallanchakravarthula V.
Journal: Tumour Biol. (2016)
Production of superoxide/hydrogen peroxide by the mitochondrial 2-oxoadipate dehydrogenase complex
Authors: Goncalves RL, Bunik VI, Br and MD., undefined
Journal: Free Radic Biol Med (2016): 247
A Unifying Mechanism for Mitochondrial Superoxide Production during Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury
Authors: Chouchani ET, Pell VR, James AM, Work LM, Saeb-Parsy K, Frezza C, Krieg T, Murphy MP.
Journal: Cell Metab (2016): 254
Rotenone-stimulated superoxide release from mitochondrial complex I acutely augments L-type Ca2+ current in A7r5 aortic smooth muscle cells
Authors: Ochi R, Dhagia V, Lakhkar A, Patel D, Wolin MS, Gupte SA.
Journal: Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol (2016): H1118
Recombinant Mitochondrial Manganese Containing Superoxide Dismutase Protects Against Ochratoxin A-Induced Nephrotoxicity
Authors: Ciarcia R, Damiano S, Squillacioti C, Mirabella N, Pagnini U, Florio A, Severino L, Capasso G, Borrelli A, Mancini A, Boffo S, Romano G, Giordano A, Florio S.
Journal: J Cell Biochem (2016): 1352
Mitochondrial Calpain-1 Disrupts ATP Synthase and Induces Superoxide Generation in Type 1 Diabetic Hearts: A Novel Mechanism Contributing to Diabetic Cardiomyopathy
Authors: Ni R, Zheng D, Xiong S, Hill DJ, Sun T, Gardiner RB, Fan GC, Lu Y, Abel ED, Greer PA, Peng T.
Journal: Diabetes (2016): 255
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