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南卡罗来纳大学(University of South Carolina)招两名增材制造方向(Additive Manufacturing)全奖博士生





袁烺,南卡罗莱纳大学机械系副教授。清华大学机械系本科硕士毕业,师从柳百成院士,英国帝国理工学院材料系博士毕业,师从Peter D Lee教授。主要从事金属凝固过程的微观组织以及缺陷预测的研究。有丰富的工业经验。加入南卡罗莱纳大学前,在美国通用电气全球研究中心(GE Global Research)工作6年,主要开展金属增材制造的材料工艺研究。具体信息请查看个人网页:
https://sc.edu/study/colleges_sc ... staff/lang_yuan.php

请将简历,成绩单,语言成绩和推荐信联系人的联系方式,发送到 langyuan@cec.sc.edu

Two PhD Positions in Additive Manufacturing at the University of South Carolina
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of South Carolina is expanding its research portfolio to metal Additive Manufacturing. Two PhD positions are available in the Additive Manufacturing Lab led by Dr. Lang Yuan. Dr. Yuan’s research focuses on the fundamental understanding and prediction of microstructure and defect formation of metallic alloys during solidification processes. His profile can be found through the link here or here.
Dr. Yuan is looking for two highly motivated PhD candidates with strong interests in advancing Process-Structure-Property relationships for Additive Manufacturing:
One PhD candidate will focus on the experimental understanding of solidification behaviors for a specific alloy system during Additive Manufacturing. We expect you to love interdisciplinary science and are determined to do hands-on work on an open-architecture additive machine with your creativity to develop novel processes and techniques. The candidate should hold a minimal Bachelor’s degree, preferably, Master’s degree in Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering or related fields with proven records, and preferentially experience in experimental techniques, especially in the field of materials characterization.
The second PhD candidate’s research will focus on developing multiscale and multiphysics computational models to predict material microstructures and defects. We expect you to love computational modeling and are determined to develop theories and code them into practice. The candidate should hold a minimal Bachelor’s degree, preferably, Master’s degree in Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering or related fields with proven records, and preferentially any experience in heat transfer, computational fluid dynamics, machine learning and high performance computing.
All research will be done in a stimulating, highly multidisciplinary and international environment with strong industrial partners.
Both positions are fully funded, including tuition fees and competitive stipend. Additional funding will also be provided to support participation in international conferences, summer schools, workshops and research visits to project partners.
To apply, interested candidates are invited to send a detailed CV (including transcripts, honors, previous work, programming skills, publications,  GRE score, etc.) and contact information of two references to Dr. Yuan via email:  langyuan@cec.sc.edu
About University of South Carolina
The University of South Carolina in Columbia founded in 1801 and is the only institution in South Carolina to be classified as having “very high research activity” by the Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching, its highest rating. The university is also recognized for superior student experiences and is committed to developing flexible new models for college access and affordability.

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